Friday, April 24, 2009


Here are some pretty good websites to take up your time.

This is an infinite picture, when you click on it to zoom in, the picture is made of smaller pictures, hard to explain, but it is pretty cool. Check it out.... CLICK ME

LaRae catches me on this site all the time. Its all it is, is little video games, some are horribly bad, others are very addicting. Good time waster.

If you like music then here are some great websites...

8tracks, is a great place to discover new music. People just post their mixes on here and you can listen to them. Some really weird stuff, but also some very cool/hilarious stuff. Check it out. or listen to one of my all time favorites from 8tracks by clicking HERE

Here is another awesome website. It may be annoying to other people, but oh well. Go and enjoy yourself, If you have speakers turn them up and rock out. CLICK ME!!

And just because this is awesome...

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