The aftereffects of Christmas seem to affect everyone differently. Some are so happy and ready for the holidays to be over, some are sad and neglect putting their Christmas decor away till mid May, and the other people are some variance in between. Wherever you find yourself in that scale, the distractions are rapidly approaching.
Before you put the 'Christmas Story' away till next December look at it just one more time.
At the Christmas eve service down here in Fort Myers, the pastor asked the question of why did God chose the shepherds to reveal His angels and proclaim the birth to and not others. I think there are a couple reasons. The first is the difference between the shepherds and wise-men shows Jesus came for all men and not just one select group. But the pastor brought a more obvious thing out, they weren't busy/distracted.
Have you ever been outside at night and looked up at the stars when you were outside of the city, with no lights on? It is absolutely beautiful! If you add one light, maybe a flood light off a porch it diminishes, and the more you add the less and les stunning the night becomes.
The shepherds were easy targets, hanging out, nothing to get in their way just rocks, trees, and a couple of wondering sheep. How easy are we distracted? If you went to church at all between Thanksgiving and Christmas you inevitably heard some one ask you to not forget why Christmas is here and maybe saw a cool video on why presents are second blah blah... And maybe you did take that second to pause and worship Christ, that's terrific. But what about today? Today, tomorrow, next week? Jesus is the same Son of God that came, lived, died and conquered death. This whole blog post is really written to myself, so I can look at it at the end of January when i am throughly busy and remember that God wants me to stop. Get rid of the distractions and worship Him the way He deserves, just me with no distractions.